We’re an Innovative Health Screening & Wellness Company.

Our mission is to empower people to own and transform their health journey through knowledge and lifestyle advancements. We’re here to help people understand what’s happening inside their body through health checks and advanced screening in ways that are affordable and accessible to all. 

We’re here to provide advanced evidence-based science, that pairs diagnostic testing with medical technology. We’re here to take the guesswork out of managing your health by mapping out a course of small, informed steps, and lifestyle improvements, which over time equal big strides.



Our Values

We live & breathe
We meet our customers
where they live
We believe simplicity
is innovation
We nourish & support
new behaviours
We underpin our offering
with sound science
We champion
diversity & inclusivity
Custom icon

Our Vision is to become the world leader in innovative health screening & wellness programmes.


Co-founder and CEO Maggie Malone came through her own personal heath journey. A mother, an entrepreneur, a business leader, and a mentor, Maggie endured a series of health setbacks including cancer. Shaped and influenced by her own journey of illness and recovery, she now channels her energy, and business acumen in to helping people take control of their health and well-being through insights, education & lifestyle interventions. Certior Health was born in 2019.

“My purpose and our collective purpose at Certior Health, is to champion people to own their health journey, through personalized home tests and break through wellness programs. We’re living longer but we’re living sicker. That’s a big trade off. Our mission is to keep people healthier for longer. That means avoiding chronic illness, detecting problems earlier and making lifestyle changes, that keep us living vital lives.”

Maggie Malone
Tests Completed
Testing Locations
Strong Medical Team

Meet Our Team

We’re a diverse bunch of professionals committed to helping people take control of their health and wellbeing journey.

Declan Malone

COO and Laboratory Director

Susan Knowles

Consultant Microbiologist

Dr. Nick Flynn

Chief Medical Officer

Dr. Carel La Roux

Consultant Pathologist

Clinical PNI and Nutrition Consultant

Dr Lucia Batty

Consultant Occupational Health and Wellbeing

Sampada Lumba

Compliance and Quality Manager

John Malone

IT Manager

Daniela De Paula

Lab Manager

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