A Revolutionary Blood Test To Detect Cancer Early, So That It Could Be Cured

Trucheck is an advanced non-invasive blood test which provides evidence of an underlying malignancy via a safe, simple and quick blood draw. Trucheck evaluates blood sample to detect ‘Circulating Tumor Cells’ (CTCs), which are cancer cells that escape from the tumor and enter the blood stream. Trucheck enriches these CTCs from the blood sample and confirms their identity via a process called ‘Immunocytochemistry’ (ICC). A positive CTC finding is indicative of the presence of an underlying cancer whereas when CTCs are undetectable, the patient may not have a cancer.

Why should
I consider Cancer Screening?

Cancer is a ticking time bomb globally. Every year about 18 million women and men are diagnosed with various cancers including carcinomas, sarcomas, neuroendocrine tumors, melanomas. These cancers are also associated with about 9 million deaths. This translates into roughly 34 cancer cases being detected and 18 cancer related deaths every minute. Due to changes in lifestyle as well as other risk factors, these numbers are stated to increase in the future. Detecting Cancer Early is vital to saving lives. Studies have shown that early detection of cancer improves survival rates. Trucheck™ is a blood test that can enable early detection of multiple cancers in asymptomatic individuals.

Cancer: Early-Stage Detection

Survival Rate %

Cancer: Late-Stage Detection

Survival Rate %


Detecting Cancer
Early is vital to saving lives.

It is associated with more successful treatments, lower treatment costs, and lower toxicities. Studies have shown that early detection of cancer improves survival rates. Trucheck™ is a non-invasive blood test developed through extensive and collaborative international research, tested and validated on over 50,000 individuals. This innovative test aims to detect various cancers in asymptomatic individuals at an early stage. It works by detecting "Circulating Tumor Cells" (CTCs) in the bloodstream, which are cancer cells that have escaped from tumors via a safe, simple and quick blood draw. Trucheck™ enriches and confirms the identity of these CTCs through a process called Immunocytochemistry (ICC). A positive CTC result suggests the presence of an underlying cancer, while the absence of CTCs indicates a potential absence of cancer. Trucheck™ is highly sensitive, with an 88.0% sensitivity for detecting cancers of all stages and types. Additionally, it boasts a 96.0% accuracy in determining the specific tissue or organ of origin. Trucheck™ can reliably detect even early-stage cancers, regardless of the disease's extent.



Individuals Tested & Validated







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A Revolutionary Blood Test To Detect Cancer Early, So That It Could Be Cured

Our Method
of CTC enrichment

Traditional methods for enriching Circulating Tumor Cells (CTCs) have primarily relied on either immuno-affinity capture (using magnets) or separation based on size or charge (utilizing microfluidic devices). The former approach encounters limitations when dealing with CTCs that express a low amount of epitopes or when they are found within clusters alongside cells that do not express these epitopes. This not only results in reduced sensitivity but also leads to lower specificity as it enriches non-malignant cells that happen to express the detection epitopes. The latter method has a limited capacity to capture CTCs that fall outside the operational size or charge range of the device. Moreover, it can inadvertently enrich non-malignant cells that meet the device's detection criteria. TrucheckTM employs an innovative approach using an epigenetically activating medium (EAM) that negatively enriches CTCs via the cancer hallmark of evading apoptosis. When treated with the EAM, peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) of non-malignant origin are selectively eliminated through their inherent apoptosis mechanisms, while cancer-derived malignant cells (CTCs) manage to survive and are isolated.

Tissue and organ of origin Specific Markers

Conventional CTC-based technologies rely on the identification of EpCAM+, PanCK+, and CD45- cells to indicate the presence of CTCs. These methods do not detect CTCs in non-carcinoma cancers, where these markers are typically absent.

In addition to addressing the challenge of distinguishing between malignant and non-malignant cells through primary negative enrichment, TrucheckTM also incorporates the assessment of markers specific to the tissue or organ of origin. These markers are known to be expressed in cancer cells while mostly absent in normal cells.

Trucheck™ covers a range of markers that includes various carcinoma subtypes, as well as markers specific to other types of cancers such as gliomas, sarcomas, and neuroendocrine tumors.

TrucheckTM employs multiplexed fluorescence immunocytochemistry (ICC) to assess multiple markers simultaneously within a single analysis, utilizing distinct fluorophore-conjugated antibodies.

Choose from
the Following Trucheck™ Tests

Important Publications

Circulating ensembles of tumor-associated cells: A redoubtable new systemic hallmark of cancer.


Author: Akolkar D, Datar Cancer Genetics
Published Date: Nov 30, 2019

Hallmark Circulating Tumor-Associated Cell Clusters Signify 230 Times Higher One-Year Cancer Risk.


Author: Ranade A, Datar Cancer Genetics
Published Date: Sept 21, 2020

Evaluation of circulating tumor cell clusters for pan-cancer noninvasive diagnostic triaging.


Author: Gaya A, Datar Cancer Genetics
Published Date: Sept 30, 2020

Accurate prostate cancer detection based on enrichment and characterization of prostate cancer specific circulating tumor cells.


Author: Limaye S, Datar Cancer Genetics
Published Date: Jan 30, 2023

Accurate Screening for Early-Stage Breast Cancer by Detection and Profiling of Circulating Tumor Cells.


Author: O’Neill K, Datar Cancer Genetics
Posted on: Jul 10, 2022

Detection of Circulating Glial Cells Enables Non-Invasive Diagnosis of Glial Malignancies.


Author: O’Neill K, Datar Cancer Genetics
Posted on: Jul 10, 2022

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