
Adhesive Dentistry

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Specialty Clinics

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Maxillofacial Care

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Our Services

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Arteries & Vascular Age

Heart disease is the number one killer on our planet. You are as old as your arteries. Your cardiovascular system comprises the heart and a vast system of vessels, made up of arteries, veins and capillaries over 60,000 miles in length – long enough to go around the world 2.5 times!
Endothelium is the delicate lining of our vessels. At only one cell thick it mustn’t get injured as it is critical to living a long and healthy life. Poor lifestyle choices (excess salt, alcohol, saturated fats and smoking) and underlying inflammation can damage it to a point where it cannot relax and adjust to our heartbeat. Consequently, cholesterol plaques and blood clots can form, resulting in ‘ischaemic’ heart disease.

Body Composition

Visceral fat is stored in the abdominal cavity and is also known as ‘active fat’ because it influences how hormones function in the body. To be ‘skinny’ fat means you are carrying an excess amount of this fat, but may not appear overweight. Visceral fat is dangerous because it is close to many vital organs such as the pancreas, liver and intestines. The higher the amount of visceral fat stored, the greater the risk for type 2 Diabetes and heart disease. A correct balance of body water, muscle mass (including skeletal, heart and smooth muscle tissue) vs. fat and bone tissue are all important for healthy metabolism. Increases in extracellular water typically cause swelling and a marker for inflammation.

Diabetes & Insulin Resistance

Insulin is the hormone that regulates your blood sugar levels. Too much sugar eventually leads to malfunction (resistance) of insulin and is one of the most powerful causes of damaged arteries, high cholesterol and blood fats, fatty liver and high blood pressure. Eating excess calories from too many refined sugars and living a sedentary lifestyle increases insulin, leading to insulin resistance (IR) and ultimately to diabetes. Weight gain, fatty liver and inflammation follow. It also triggers dangerous new blood vessel growth, which can ultimately lead to cancer.

Stress & Fatigue

Chronic stress overstimulates the autonomic nervous system (ANS). Feeling angry, wired and tired is common within a population exhausted by the Pandemic. Poor sleep triggers underlying mechanisms that lead to chronic disease. Yet daily lifestyle choices can be the difference in preventing the physiological effects that manifest in serious illness.

A 2018 Harvard study of over 100,000 people found that adopting simple lifestyle habits led to an 82% risk reduction of dying from heart disease, 65% from cancer and 74% from all causes. Protracted emotional stress can significantly increase the risk of physical and psychological diseases.


Your body’s blood circulatory system is a critically important part of your cardiovascular system. It is within this branching network of microvessels that the transport and exchange of heat, respiratory gases, nutrients, waste products, water and hormones occurs between blood and your tissues.
Multiscan links your blood’s microcirculation with your skin’s to assess the health of your limbs, using colours to easily interpret. The supply of blood to the limbs may constantly change, with diet and lifestyle factors as positive or negative influences. Changes may also be associated with a number of diseases such as atherosclerosis, hypertension, vasculitis and diabetes.

Oxidative Stress

Oxidative stress is what happens to your body through the action of free radicals. These are a normal by product of the body’s energy generating biochemical processes, but they are also produced in response to poor lifestyle choices and exposure to UV light and ozone. It simply means premature ‘rusting’ of your cells. It’s a form of internal radiation that can damage DNA, proteins and cellular membranes. It speeds up the rate of degeneration and ageing. Antioxidants are free radical scavengers that interact with the free radical to ensure it’s no longer harmful. Some are produced within the body, while others need to be consumed in the diet (e.g. fruits, vegetables, red wine).

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Our Services

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  • Basic
  • $ 22.78
    • 24/7 General Care
    • 100 Clinic Hours
    • 4 Appointments
    • 1 Orthopan Scan
  • Standard
  • $ 58.99
    • 24/7 General Care
    • 100 Clinic Hours
    • 4 Appointments
    • 1 Orthopan Scan
  • Premium
  • $ 70.50
    • 24/7 General Care
    • 100 Clinic Hours
    • 4 Appointments
    • 1 Orthopan Scan

Laboratory Place
In Dental Practice

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Adhesive Dentistry

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Specialty Clinics

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Maxillofacial Care

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